
Molina, Talbot, Lofgren, Young / All Roads Lead Home [Music]

Molina, Talbot, Lofgren, Young
Title: All Roads Lead Home
RunTime: 43min
★ 6.3

YouTube で全曲聴けます。
2 曲目を始め Nils の歌う曲 3 曲がどれも良かった。

Three dear old friends and
Crazy Horse bandmates for over 50 years,
Ralph Molina, Billy Talbot and Nils Lofgren
kept recording their songs at home during the pandemic
and are proud to share this collection of music.
Lifelong friend and bandmate Neil Young
adds a special track to complete this unique 10 song compilation.


Matt Piucci - electric guitar, organ, acoustic guitar, vocals
Tommy Carns - bass guitar, steel guitar, vocals
Michael Hamilton - electric guitar, acoustic guitar, baritone bass, vocals
Mark Hanley - slide guitar, electric piano, vocals
Ryan James Holzer - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, vocals
Stephen Junca - drums, vocals
Jack Hughes - organ, piano, vocals
Billy Talbot - acoustic guitar, piano, vocals


nice! 0